Welcome Event Planners
We're Easy To Work With
Below you’ll find the step by step process we go through to make your event a success while making it as easy as possible on you!

Get In Touch
Call, email, or send a raven and let us know about the event you are planning. (Note: Ravens will delay response times.) Ideally, we like to hop on a phone call to get a better understanding of your event. If Peter is a fit, then we’ll get the paperwork started. The good news is there is no charge to hold a date. If another client calls wanting the date you chose, we simply call you first and ask for a signed contract at that time.
That brings us to contracts…

Sign the Contract
When we agree on a date, we’ll send you out our standard 1000-page contract. (Just kidding it’s only 2 ½ pages.) Depending on the event, we may require a deposit. (For example, all international events require a 50% deposit.) But we also know some organizations can’t offer deposits, so if any issues, let us know. We want to make this easy on you!

Let Us Customize A Presentation For You
The next step is to schedule a call with Peter. Peter wants to get an understanding of everything from the event space, to the audience, to your goals for the event. We’ll address any sensitive topics, important issues, and the challenges and opportunities unique to your group. From there, Peter will create a customized presentation for your event.

Check ins
As we get closer to the program date, we will check in to address any changes. We usually like to check in 60, 30, and 7 days before the event. And of course, we check in the day before the event to let you Peter is temporarily stuck in Toledo, but he will make it! (And if your event is in Toledo, you’re in luck!)
We also want to learn how we can assist with any marketing and promotion. Peter is happy to write an article for your newsletter or website, appear on a podcast, or alert the local media. Whatever we can do to make the event a success, we want to do!

Final Payment
Unless a deposit was previously agreed, full balance is typically due on the day of the program.

Show Time Go Time
Don’t worry, Peter has it from here. He prefers to show up at least one hour before showtime for the sound check. He shows up early and stays until every question is answered. (Often, on the subject of money management, people have specific, private questions they don’t want to ask in the open.) In fact, this is one of Peter’s greatest appeals. Aside from his books, he doesn’t sell anything. People can get unbiased, competent financial information from a guy who is easy to talk to.

Post Show Wrap Up
Peter always welcomes the opportunity to unpack the program with your team. If you want to schedule a post event call, just let us know.
4 Things To Remember...
No Sales Pitch
Peter does not sell any financial products. Many “free” financial speakers are only there to give your audience a sales pitch. Aside from books, there is nothing to buy at Peter’s presentations.
All programs are customized to your group. Don’t see your ideal topic here? Give us a call or send us an email and we’ll design the exact presentation you want. We have even assisted organizations in getting Peter’s presentations qualified for continuing education credits in their industry!
Online/In Person
Peter can present any of his interactive presentations online or in person.
All Day
Peter is an all-day speaker. When you engage Peter, he is available for the entire day. He is able to do multiple presentations, meet with individuals or small groups and even conduct interviews for your media. Have an idea? Just ask!